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Warrenton Fire Prot. Dist.
WFPD History

1918- First motorized apparatus for Warrenton, a Model "T" which was later supplemented with a 1929 Model "A".

1939- Warrenton City Ordinance No. 39 passed authorizing a Volunteer Fire Department. NOTE: There was a functioning Fire Department prior to 1918, just not formally recognized.

1947- Purchase of the first new fire truck for Warrenton. A 1947 Ford, which we still have.

1951- Warrenton Rural Fire Protection Association incorporated and later named the Warrenton Rural Volunteer Fire Department. Membership was by a "Fire Tag" system.

1954- Firefighters Association of Missouri formed. Warrenton City and Rural Fire Departments were one of the first to join this organization.

1957- (February 17th), Katie Jane Nursing Home Fire, Warrenton, Mo. 72 died in the fire. This remains one of the top 5-loss of life nursing home fires in the United States to this day.

1966- LINE OF DUTY DEATH: October 24th, Kenneth Dieckmeyer, went to step out of vehicle on returning from a grass fire & died of massive heart attack in the old fire station per the death certificate. His name was added to other Line of Duty names with the dedication of the Missouri Firefighters Memorial on May 18th, 2002.

1967- A three bay building was purchased for the two Warrenton Fire Departments on south highway 47 which is now old Station No. 2.

1969- The Warrenton Firefighters Hosted the FFAM Annual Convention called the "Flaming 15th". The largest attended convention at that time with over 400 registered.

1988- (April 5th) the Warrenton Fire Protection District was formed by voter approval with the largest percentage "YES" vote in county history at 89%. The W.F.P.D. consists of 124 sq. miles.

1993- Construction of Station No. 1 on Fairgrounds Road. New Headquarters facility at a cost of $605,000 plus $88,000 for 11 acres of land purchased in 1989. An estimated $45,000 in donations were made such as the radio tower and projects completed by labor of the membership. Ground breaking in December 1992, station occupied in January 1994 and dedicated May 1994.

1996 - (February 15th) Warren County Joint Communications (911) went on line and began handling all emergency calls for two ambulance districts, four fire departments, three police departments, county sheriff and Warren County EMA (Emergency Management Agency).

1997- (Summer) Construction of Helicopter Landing Pad behind Station No. 1 at a cost of $12,000. Actual cost to Fire District was less than $1,000 through donated materials and labor.

1997- (October) Delivery of first new pumper in 15 years. Next generation technology having fully enclosed six seat cab, on-board foam, 1,500 gpm two stage pump, large diameter hose, top mount control, cab-forward design and all aluminum/stainless steel construction. Unit No. 1420 delivered at a cost of $235,000 the Friday evening before Fire Prevention Week Open House.

1998- (October) Construction began on new three bay Fire Station (Station No. 3) on Highway "B" in Pendleton and completed at a cost of $325,000. This facility officially went into service Friday evening, April 30, 1999 providing improved protection to the western side of the fire district. Thirty hours later (Sunday morning, May 2nd) the station was credited with making a major save on a structure fire down highway "B" because it was there and operational.

1998 - (November) the 68th and THE LAST Fireman's Dance - too much liability due to alcohol and potential for underage drinking. For nearly 60-years, it was called the Fireman's Ball.

1999- (March) Delivery of 3rd tanker (Unit No. 1433) for Station No. 3 with a 2,050 gallon stainless steel tank and 500 gpm PTO pump at a cost of $118,000. Second full size truck to have an automatic transmission.

1999- (August) Full renovation of existing Rescue Truck with new GMC chassis.

1999- Saturday October 9th (right at the conclusion of Fire Prevention Week Open House) worst interstate incident the department had worked to date. Crash of four vehicles that included a camper and tractor trailer truck. Three people burned to death at the scene plus two passenger vehicles, the camper and tractor trailer truck were destroyed by fire. This crossover incident and the Country Coroner are credited with finally pushing MO-DOT into serious consideration of median barriers along I-70 in Warren County that were installed during the fourth quarter of the year 2000. The Civil trial of family vs. Ford Motor Company took place in early 2004.

2000- (March, 2000 - April 2001) Tanker renovation & purchase program on three vehicles. Unit 1443 (old 1423) improved, unit 1413 totally renovated with new tank, pump and lighting. Our 4th tanker added to the fleet (new unit 1423 replacement) ordered. Existing 1423 (now 1443) placed into "Reserve" status. This program standardized the tanker fleet and resulted in 3 of the 4 units being nearly identical in design and their related operation.

2000- (April) The basement of Station No. 1 is finished except for the kitchen.

2000- (October) New Brush Truck (Unit 1418) added, 1993 Dodge 4x4 w/ 200 gallon poly tank.

2000- (December) Paid employee changed back to Firefighter & interviews started. Individual holding that job chose not to become a firefighter & released with 5-months advanced notice.

2001- (April 3) First vote for a tax increase since becoming a Fire Protection District on April 1988. A 16-cent (29 to 45-cent) tax increase was placed before the voters and it passed with a 65% majority. The campaign was on 10-cents to hire three additional firefighters for a total of four to answer day-time calls, M-F from 8 am through 5 pm. An additional 2-cents for volunteer recruitment and retention and 4-cents to cover increasing operating costs.

2001 - (April) The "Employee" position changed back to that of Firefighter and filled with one of our own people, Danielle Dieckman. This was not the first full paid position. There were three previously holding this job originally starting with Scott Determann, Ronny Owenby and Bobby Drosselmeyer. They were firefighters/maintenance. In an effort to improve housekeeping/maintenance, the board hired Gilbert Nordwald in 1991.

2002 - (February 8th) Three Firefighters sent to the hospital, two by ambulance, following a vehicle fire with entrapment on Sunnyside Road. A life was saved, but at a high cost to our own.

2002 - (February 18th) Mike Owenby becomes first full time paid Fire Chief. He served 2-years as the Volunteer Chief and was officially hired in mid-January 2002, starting 4-weeks later. This was the second department in Warren County to have a full-time paid chief. Wright City was the first, hiring their Chief in the summer of 2001.

2002 - (March) Conservation Department supplied brush truck is rear-ended on I-70 while performing traffic control on another accident. The truck was a total loss, our career firefighter at the time had to dive for her life into the median or she would have been KILLED! This truck was later replaced with a Ford 4 x 4 light ¾ ton.

2002 - (April 22) Arch Helicopter starts a 6-month trial service for the area during the day and uses our helo-pad. As of August 2004, they are still here.

2002 - (May 1) Mini-Mass Causality Incident when an R-III school bus carrying 13-students plus the driver is hit by a semi-trailer on South Highway 47. 11 students plus the driver were packaged into ambulances and transported, net 12 patients. Two students refused any treatment.

2002 - (May) Two additional firefighters are hired for day-time calls bringing the career staff total to four. A record 40-applicants were submitted (33 outside of the department) for just two positions.

2002 - (August) 3rd Brush Truck joins the fleet replacing the red jeep at Station No. 3.

2002 - (October 15th) 2nd new custom pumper ordered becoming unit 1414. On its arrival in December 2003, existing 1410 moved to Station No. 3 and became 1430. Existing 1430 brought back to station No. 1 becoming reserve unit 1411. Delivery Cost was $286,000.

2003 - (Summer) Old 1971 Suburban replaced with newer 1996 Suburban, unit 1429.

2003 - (Fall) SCBA's Up-graded - Scott NXG2 - 2.2 with heads-up display.

2003 - (December) American LaFrance finally delivers 1414 some 14-months after it was ordered. What we went through in finally getting exactly the truck we ordered remains a bitter subject with many on the truck committee.

2004 - (May) Pam Doedli is hired as our first full time District Administrative Assistant. She previously spent 27-years with the Monsanto Corporation as an Executive Secretary.

2004 - (June) A 4+ acre section of ground fronting South Highway 47 is purchased with specific plans for that becoming new and larger Station No. 2 - projected time line 2007-2008?

2004 - (June) After nearly 5-years of the Country Coroner applying sustained and sometimes negative pressure to MODOT, the entire stretch of I-70 through Warren county is protected with cable barriers.

2004 - (July) Existing 1411 (1967 SeaGraves) was gifted to Kinlock, Missouri and left Warrenton after 36-years of mostly very reliable service

2004 - (July) Ed McCormick is hired as our first full time Fire Marshall. Ed spent 26-years with the Florissant Valley Fire Protection District retiring as Deputy Fire Chief and having Volunteered with Warrenton nearly 5-years before taking the position. Replaced fire prevention and code review responsibility previously held by Keith Smith (Volunteer) since 1994.

2005 - A new pick-up truck (1419) purchased - Station No. 2 Building Committee began their work in plan/design and professional services.

2005 - (August) First Thermal Imaging Camera arrives and installed on 1414.

2005 - (December) Neil Fick replaces the vacant position of Ed McCormick in plan review and building code enforcement. Ed McCormick retains title of Fire Marshall (volunteer).

2006 - (Summer) ISO (Insurance Services Office) awards a class "5" for city of Warrenton & Truesdale. Work toward Rural Class reduction (goal of 7 or less) begins.

2006 - (August) 2nd Second Thermal Imaging Camera arrives and installed on 1420. Camera was free through a federal grant applied for and awarded.

2006 - (September) New tandem axle fully enclosed box trailer for air & light with high pressure protective filling system goes into service. Replaces old "Air-1" which was deactivated.

2007 -  (May) 1984 Pierce/LTI Ladder Truck is puchased from Washington Fire Department, Ladder 1422 is an 85' platform with a 1250 gpm Waterous pump. This is the first aerial purchased by the District.

2007 - (September) Over 100 firefighters from 25 different departments responded to a Third Alarm fire at the headquarters of Warrenton Oil. This was a 25,000 square foot faciluity that was used as a distribution warehouse for oils, lubricants, and supplies for the compny's conveneience store, car wash and hotel chains.

2008 - (November) Ribbon cutting for the new Station 2.

2009 - (November) Took delivery of 1414 our third fully custom pumper - Rosenbauer 1,500 gpm pump with light tower.
2010 - (June) Explorer program launched through the Boy Scouts of America. Ages 14 and older.

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Warrenton Fire Protection District
606 Fairgrounds Road
Warrenton, MO 63383
Ph:   (636) 456-8935
Fax:  (636) 456-7764


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